Nightmare Industries
  Interviews in English

Interview with Nightmare

Sounding dissimilar to most of today’s current acts, The Deathstars are most often favourably compared to the likes of Marilyn Manson and Rammstein – probably due to a combination of both their appearance and industrial sound. Yet the Swedes are more than that – welding together both the industrial metal side of things with a more black metal overtone. Guitarist, Nightmare Industries (parents can be so cruel..!) spoke to Adam Harrold about the new album and the band…

What are the band up to at the moment?
Nightmare Industries: At the moment we're doing all the press, going to a lot of parties, doing all the signing sessions, preparing the release parties and events and similar stuff that comes along with an album release. Besides that I'm mixing the new Dissection album in our studio, Black Syndicate Studios, right here in Stockholm.

It’s been four years since "Synthetic Generation", why the long wait?
Nightmare Industries: Because of practical as well as personal problems, we've had a really turbulent period between these two albums which directly coloured the outcome of our music. The music is all about ourselves and the basic theme is about accepting and embracing your dark sides. Dig yourself deeper into the dirt and try to learn from the experience. Every song has its own story and identity though.

How would you say "Termination Bliss" compares to your first album?
Nightmare Industries: It's more focused and it's more of everything. It's darker, it's heavier and it's sexier. The first album was the beginning for the band, a few of the songs were some of the first songs we wrote for the band. This is the continuation of what we learned from the first album, we've taken a huge step in the same direction. It's like if you have sex with a girl and then all of a sudden you look up and see that there's 20 more girls standing there, you know, It's just more to take from.

What has the reaction been so far?
Nightmare Industries: It's been really really good.

What was it like to work with Stefan Glaumann?
Nightmare Industries: It's always great to work with Stefan, every time it's a pleasure, we think alike, and he understands very well what I want to get out of the mix.

Can you explain how Death Stars came to be for newcomers to the band?
Nightmare Industries: Me and Whiplasher played in the extreme metal band Swordmaster, and Bone played in Dissection in the 90's. But we all felt that it was time to do something different so we started Deathstars together in January 2000. We got signed to LED Recordings/Universal and started to work on what would be out debut album, Synthetic Generation which was released in March 2002 (Sweden). The album was a big success and in 2003 it got released worldwide though Nuclear Blast. Since that we've been working on our 2nd album that will be released in the end of January. Beware!

Some people might look at your album cover and assume you’re like Marilyn Manson – what would you say to that?
Nightmare Industries: Well, that tells us more about what they like to listen to than about us, doesn't it? I guess we just have different references. We don't look at Manson like that, but we take care of our roots in the extreme metal underground scene (only we took the darkness out of the woods and put it in a limousine). Our image look pretty much how we looked 14 years ago. Where was Manson then?

How would you describe your sound?
Nightmare Industries: It was sprung out of sex, Swedish fire and darkness. It's like an industrial demigod in black glitter, with a gun, a cigarette and a million dollar smile. It's sex, death and urban jungle night life.

What musical influences do you have?
Nightmare Industries: We are influenced by our own lives. This is the motivating force behind all our music. We write to try to understand ourselves. When we write there's no guidelines or directions for what we can do we just write directly what comes from our inside. Naturally we've been listening to many kinds of music through our whole lives and all this comes forward. It's like having collected souvenirs of music your entire life and when the timing i right you pick up a piece that fit's just perfectly. Just like the character Skalman from the Swedish magazine Bamse. Only way darker.

Is it true you’ve made Hollywood themes?
Nightmare Industries: We had a song in the Hollywood movie "Alone in the Dark". The shittiest movie I ever saw!

I’ve heard that you’ve been banned from some TV Stations?
Nightmare Industries: Yeah the video for Synthetic Generation got banned from SVT, the biggest channel in Sweden. I guess they figured that the mutant babies in the video had some sort of weird anti abortion symbolism or something. Also they weren't too fond of the half naked woman being strapped in a metallic gynecology chair. Of course it didn't have any message about abortions or anything, it was perfectly harmless. It was all about violence and drugs.

What are the plans for the future?
Nightmare Industries: After the release we will tour as much as possible, especially from April/May and forward. After the summer we will go to the US to promote the album.

Do you have any words for the fans?
Nightmare Industries: When your cat is missing, and your girlfriend is singing in the shower when you wake up you know that one of us has been there.

Deathstars - The Dark Rockstars Are Back!

 Death Metal, Electro, Goth, Industrial and Rock, these are the main ingredients thrown into the mad mix which is Deathstars. With an image that looks like a cloned version of Marilyn Manson or a twisted version of Kiss, and music that throws Rammstein and Dimmu Borgir into a giant foodprocessor, Deathstars have made a name for themselves as one of Europe's most thought provoking musical outfits. surprisingly, despite of the music they play these days, Nightmare Industries (guitar), Bone W. Machine (drums), Skinny (bass) and Whiplasher origins are rooted deep in the Swedish death metal scene, with family relations to Dissection and their previous incarnation, Swordmaster. Deathstars members were creating music since the early 90's, and now, 4 years after their debut album and their transition into a different musical animal altogether, they're about to embark on a new quest, with a new release which should catapult them even farther into worldwide recognition.
To celebrate the release of the band's second album, "Termination Bliss", I decided to speak with Whiplasher Bernadotte, Deathstars' vocalist, who called me on the eve of Friday the 13th. Armed with garlic rosaries and crosses all around, I picked up the phone when the clock showed 22:00, on the other side was a voice that sounded a bit spooky, yet sick... It didn't take long for me to figure out that unlike his vampirish looks, he and I have some things in common, our affection to Jerusalem, and a surprising connection to some Israeli military girls. So come with me, enter the realm of Deathstars and find the darkness within you...

First of all, congratulations on the new release, are you satisfied with the press reviews so far?
Yeah, I think that people seem to get what we're doing now. The album is getting a great response.

For those who haven't heard the band yet, can you explain a little about Deathstars, and what makes you unique?
We've been playing with Death Metal bands since we were kids, from the early 90's with bands like Dissection and Swordmaster. We came from the metal scene but we have developed, we're kind of a mixture between death heritage, black metal, electronics, industrial pop and rock. So it's a mixture, and it's all based upon Sex, Darkness and Glamour.

You sound a little bit ill.
I am actually. I have some water in my lungs, so I'm not perfectly healthy right now.

And they made you do this Interview?
It's ok. I've been sick for like 7 weeks. But I'm on medication.

Well, the initial work on Termination Bliss was finished last April, How come it only came out now?
The album was mixed and finished at the end of the summer but it seems it's been taking a lot of time for everyone to get things done. I don't know why it has taken such a long time. I guess its something with Nuclear Blast, I don't know.

I understand that in the past 4 years since your first release, Deathstars had many problems like equipment theft and some personal issues. What can you tell us about these?
Well the equipment is nothing, it got stolen after the first tour and we got it back and then a few weeks ago our rehearsal room burned to the ground. That happens to us all the time. I think we're pretty bitten by personal problems, because of depression and stuff like that. We had lots of deaths in our families, or relationships that haven't been. It's been chaos to each and every one of us and that's why it took us a long time to make the album. That is also what the album is mostly about. We made a statement about our own personal hell, so it is good in one way, I guess.

In my point of view, I see "Termination Bliss" as if it continues where "Synthetic Generation" ended, it sounds a little bit softer, though it has a more atmospheric feeling in it and the lyrical concept has evolved into something more depressing. What can you tell us about those changes in Deathstars' music and concept since your first release?
The first album was not that much... I mean, this album is more focused then the last one. It doesn't go in so many different directions as the first one did. I think this one is much more personal, it's warmer, it's darker and more mellow-like, and it's got more dimentions in it then the first one. We never speak about how to do it, but we've been playing together for so many years that I think we had it in our back bones, me and Nightmare who writes all the music, it's just 2 of us who write the music. It's much warmer and depressing and much more personal. I think Deathstars will continue to develop, it feels like we're finding more and more where we're going. We develop.

You worked on it in a different way then your first album?
Not really because as I told you, Nightmare and me write all the material, so it just feels that two of us. We started our own studio [Black Syndicate Studios] this time, and then we were much more free to record the album, we could be there day and night, and we produced ourselves and did everything ourselves. It was much more comfortable for us to record this album because we could go to the studio whenever we wanted. Mostly I did the vocals in the late evening and in the middle of the night, you can't do that in other studios. So that was nice.

Did you have any schedule for the recording or you did you do it whenever you wanted?
We had Dissection mixing their album in the studio, and we were parallel with them. So during day maybe Jon [Brother of 'Nightmare Industries'] did guitars for Dissection and in the evenings I did the vocals. So we split, but we could decide ourselves when we wanted to do the recordings. We didn't have a schedule like that.

You also lost one of your guitar players during these recordings. Did some of his work get into the final release?
No. he didn't play at all on the album. But we're still good friends. He lives too far away from Stockholm to be able to be in the band so it was just something that we talked about and decided that it was best for him to leave the band, because of practical reasons. We still don't have a new guitar player.

So who does the guitar work right now?
Nightmare does everything. But we haven't started to play live with the album yet, so we will have to find a new guitar player. We need to, so the sound can be really Dark.

When you first released your album back in 2002, did you expect it to get such good reviews and eventually signing with a big label like Nuclear Blast?
We were on Universal so for us, I guess, when we signed it was much bigger then Nuclear Blast. The album was supposed to be released all over [But it was released only in Sweden]. We understood that the people in the business were very interested in us. I think because for us it was something totally new which we did. We never played music like this before, we switched direction because we got really board playing what we used to do, and we didn't know what to expect. But I can't say I was really surprised by that, when it comes to the labels. We believed in what we did.

Speaking of Nuclear Blast, how is it working them? Is it better then Universal?
Well it's different. I think that it's two different kinds of labels. Universal is major label and Nuclear Blast is not. On a major label you get to do all the TV shows and so on but they don't understand the scene you were coming from like the Metal scene or the Rock scene. They can't see the foundation which the band stands on so they can't really find or promote the album for the original fan-base. With Nuclear Blast, they have their own kind of audience but they are not good in promoting the album on a different level then the metal scene. So it's been two different courses. They [Nuclear Blast] are pretty limited when it comes to that because they only do metal bands. So it's a problem with Deathstars, they don't really know how to promote it because it's not just a metal band, It has a different kind of audience, it's a mixture of things.

Do you want it to be promoted to people who listens to stuff like Evanescence or something?
Yeah I would like to, every label wants to, of course. Everyone finds Darkness interesting and sexy so if it will take Deathstars up, then of course.

Deathstars origins where deep in the Gothenburg metal scene, with your previous band Swordmaster. You said it was boring but what made you abandon this style and make the band?
We're growing you know. We still write Death metal music and we're still evolving with other projects. I love death metal and black metal, that's where I'm coming from. I think we got bored on it at the time, we wanted to evolve and we wanted to use what we did in black metal and death metal and just maximize it, make the songs shorter, and the sound much bigger, use electronics, use much more influences on the sound and take aim on dynamic if we're doing fast songs and riffs. It should be much more dimensional music then we used to do, more atmospheric and everything. So I think we just wanted a new challenge and we found it for now, its just perfect. It was kind of a natural development but also a reaction to what we did before. We wanted to do something different then that.

Are you involved in other bands / projects right now?
Yeah, but nothing is yet to be released, I can't say much about it, but I can tell it have a death-rock origin. It's kind of a death metal project with Magnus from "The Crown" if you know that band. But it's in the future.

What are you listening to on your free time?
I listen to more Opeth, but mostly I listen to rock music, Kiss of course and stuff like that.

And when you're not with the band, do you have a job?
I work in a production company when I'm not doing this music. I produce TV programs in Sweden. I had actually been to Israel... I was working in the middle-east as journalist, I was writing chronicles for a Swedish TV station and I was filming for several months. I was working there in 2001 or 2002 (around the last election time) when I was 21 years old. I remember that I was in Jerusalem and I met some military girls, they picked me up... and they used for sex... [Laughs] that was interesting. I asked the girl while we were having sex if she could take forth her AK-47 or whatever but she said she couldn't cause she had it locked in her locker.

Tell me about it, Army girls...
Yeah, when it was morning they just pulled me up and dropped me outside "Damascus's Gate" ... "Ok, we'll never see you again, goodbye"... [Laughs] but I met some metal guys over there when I was in Jerusalem as well, we hang out, there used to be quite a scene over there.

Yeah, we still have some crazy people over here in Jersualem, I live there too.
Oh you too? I met there one guy called Baal Refahim or something...

Refahim? From Bartholomeus Night?
I don't know. Baal Refa-chim or Refahim, I remember his name actually 'cause we had some mail contact. Maybe you know who it is?

I think so, but I'm not sure.
I think he was writing for fanzine or something, I don't know. We party a lot, I really like Jerusalem. I think it's cool.

Yeah, we have some nice weather over here.
Yeah, but it's interesting.

You've been to the old city of Jerusalem?
Yeah, I lived very close to it, around the street. So yeah, I was there for a couple of weeks. I also was in Tel-Aviv, and Gaza. You know, I also was in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, everywhere. I read about the conflict and I'm very interested in what's going on everyday here in Sweden.

So since you've been here, do you agree that what showing on TV in Sweden is different then what's really going on here?
Of course, it's all about values. It's very politically different then what you get in Sweden. It's the western world, you know the business. It's very complex what's going on in Jerusalem and everywhere in the middle-east, it's very hard for people in Sweden to understand because it's very different. I hope I can get back there [Israel] soon.

Maybe you'll come here with Deathstars?
Oh Yeah. Do you get many bands play over there?

Yeah, we had Destruction, Megadeth, Dark Funeral, and Opeth are coming on April. We had many bands from different styles. Actually you know, Dissection were supposed to play here in a Festival together with Megadeth but Dave Mustaine...
Yeah, I know they got into a fight. Jon told me and we where just laughing.

Well back to your new album, why there are two types of cover-artwork for Termination Bliss?
I think the one with the military is for the digi-pack, or limited edition, but the original album is totally white. I think the limited version have a couple of bonus tracks or remix or something.

Yeah, like the remix Mortiis did for "Blitzkrieg", though I haven't heard it yet. What is the difference between these two versions?
I don't know what Nuclear Blast did and I'm really not that happy that they put this remix on the album cause I don't like it. The album should be only the songs that where supposed to be in it. I think what Mortiis did is a dance version and I really don't like that they put that on the album. It should be released in some other way, but not on the album.

Which one is your favorite Artwork?
I like them both. The white-one is the theme, and the other one is more like a picture, a nice picture.

The video clip for "Cyanide" looks expensive and really interesting, what is the concept behind it?
"Cyanide" is a song about weakness, it's about facing the real being of the dark-side and really give-in and give-up to face it, to surrender to it. Because the theme of the song is seduction then maybe when it comes to the video it's very primitive, it's a girl who's been more or less taken to the dark side. She gets some cyanide in her, some Deathstars kind of cyanide and she gets to black art, that's very simple.

Who made this Video-clip?
He's name is Ivan. We shot it in Belgrade [in Serbia], in the old war ruins. It was a very good experience doing our previous videos in Sweden but it was nice to go away. Everything went pretty smooth, and it was cool. There are a lot of women there in Belgrade.

Speaking of women, what do you think of the Israeli girls?
I think as long as they stop kidnapping me and using me for sex they're perfect. I think what was really amazing when I was there that even at the passport control you get amazing women, because of your military education. There are women all over the place.

Yeah, they're everywhere...
Yeah, you know I'm from Sweden, and we have a lot of girls here as well, but Israel is really nice. I remember one night I sat with this amazing girl at "The Wall" in old Jerusalem, I was drunk and just sat there... and she was there... ah, that was cool anyway, yap! [Laughs]...

Does the way you look in your video and photos is part of your daily appearances?
No, not that heavy. I think only 3 of the 4 us use to wear makeup daily. But no, we don't have much make-up when we are not on stage though it's important wearing make-up. The image of Deathstars is not the same as the music. Wearing the make up and the whole image is just making cense for the concept. That's not really important for us when it comes to the music, but it's important for the band because we are so fond of Kiss and everything, so we do what we need, and we need make-up. You know, we had make-up on stage when we were 14 years old like corpse-paint.

Can you tell us the stories behind each member's nicknames, or is it a secret?
No, its no secret, we used those names in Dissection and Swordmaster, so when we started Deathstars we just brought them with us and used them 'cause we were already known for those names since the previous bands. "Whiplasher" is from an old kiss song called "I Love It Loud"... "Whiplash, heavy metal accident. Rock on, I wanna be President"... And the surname, "Bernadotte", is from the Swedish royal family so it's like a Royal Demon actually.

What about the other nicknames? "Nightmare Industries" sounds like a name of a company or something.
Yeah, it sounds like he is a stock holder or something... [Laughs]... Nightmare Industries is working with real-estate.

No I'm just kidding, but it sounds almost like it. Anyway, "Bone W. Machine" it's something from agriculture and Skinny, he is actually called "Skinny Disco". So that says it all. He has some rock clubs in Stockholm; he's just working there and parties all the time.

Yeah, I heard you guys Dj sometimes.
Yeah, he has clubs for living. Now he is in the states for 2 weeks partying. Last week he had a club that was opened 5 days a week, all night, so he was partying hard. That's what he does.

What about concerts? Are there any plans for 2006?
We we're discussing it with our booking agency. There going to be a lot of gigs, a lot of festivals, and a lot of touring. We had to turn down some tour offers right now, 'cause we have to get a new guitar player. We have some thoughts but we want to do something that really feels right to the band right now. I can't confirm anything but I guess we are gonna play a lot and hopefully we'll play for you. It would be dream to play in Israel, which would be cool. I have the check that up our booking manager right after this interview. What kind of festivals do you got there?

Well we had one official festival called "Metalist Festival" and its going around the summer.
Ah, then we have to get there, I'm gonna call him right now! That would be cool.

I hope the booking agency won't be afraid to send you over here. Most of them are.
No. I don't think there should be any problem. Right?

I hope so. Anyway, you toured with Paradise Lost already. Who do you wanna tour with now?
I don't know. I don't think Madonna would like to tour with us, or maybe Destiny's Child? it would be nice to watch them back-stage.

Yeah. Beyonce is hot!
Yeah... [Laughs] But I think we can go on tour with a lot of bands, of course, but we want to go with a band that adds something to Deathstars. You know, we've been touring with death metal bands for so long, so we don't wanna go on another death metal band tour, we need a band with different kind of audience, 'cause we've been doing that for so many years, we just going to see what happens. It could be something different.

I think your image and music can be appealing to both metal-heads and the gothic/industrial people.
Yeah, it does, 'cause it's not strictly limited to metal anymore. People who are strictly to metal as we where don't get what we're doing with Deathstars of course, not like previous years, that's what we're doing now. We want different kind of crowed, see how it works.

On your concerts, do you see this variety of people?
Yeah. It’s a huge variety compared to what we did before. It's surprised us a bit then. You know, I think people that work with our label, start to see this now, so what they are doing is, they try to find a way to act in a kind of scene that maybe isn't just metal. We'll just see what happens.

But what do you prefer, the other scene or the metal scene or...?
I'm from the metal scene, so of course I'm not saying that we're gonna play with pop bands. I think we are more of a rock act then metal act. That's what I'm saying. We are a rock band that plays very dark music then a metal band. I'm fine with calling Deathstars just rock music.

It's heavier though.
Yeah. But it's kind of rock music and I think it's better to call it rock music then metal in some ways.

Do you know any Israeli Metal bands?
Yeah but I don't remember the names.

Orphaned Land? Betzefer? Salem? Bartholomeus Night? Melechesh?
Hmm... Well I used to know some bands a long time ago but I don't really know what's going on right now and can't remember the names of those bands.

Since its Friday the 13th, do you have any special plans for tonight?
Nightmare is coming over, and our drummer has just arrived from Gothenburg to Stockholm and we're going to meet Jon from Dissection, and a lot of people. They are partying in the same house that I live in, in a rock bar on the other side of the house. I'm gonna take myself some Jack [Daniels] and Coca-Cola and I'm gonna get in the shower and then I'm going to meet the rest of the gang. There going to be a lot of Black metal and Death metal people there.

Ok then, Thank you for the interview! I hope to see you on the roads... and if not, at least in my nightmares
Yeah, I'll be there Tonight!

[Laughs]... Ok, feel good!
You too, take care!



Hi Guys, firstly can you tell us a little bit about the history of the band. You have members from Dissection, Ophthalamia and Swordmaster, how did you get from there to where you are now?

Me, Nightmare and Bone come from the same small city on the Swedish west coast - Strömstad. We've been involved with each other in different bands for 15years. In 2000 we decided to something totally different from what we were doing in the death metal scene. We wanted to make the music more efficient, and focus on power and urban distorbed obscurity. Now we just write about our lives, nothing else. The music is based upon dynamics, anguish, darkness and modern sex.

What influences do you have both concerning music and lyrics?

Darkness. 48 Carat darkness, which is our trademark. Luxurious jet black groove. The influences are - as I said - our own every night life and the organic architecture of European females.

You seem to have elements of lots of different types o music obviously industrial, also techno, ambient death and black metal yet you also seem to have a real sense of melody where did all these ideas come from and how do you distil them down to make Deathstars sound?

I don't like techno, don't like ambient, don't like potatoes...I think that we mix death metal, industry, goth rock, synth, pop, glamour, St Petersburg and wrath. I like melodies better that grind, you know.

The new album seems more heavy than the last one while stayling very melodic, it seems tha guitars have been turned up to 11! Was that a conscious decision?

Well, it's a pity, ain't it? Where is the 12 when you need it? We don't make any guidelines for how to write our material. It gets how it gets. We focus in the expression that we want to deliver. You should be able to have sex to it, commit suicide to it, dram to it, dance to it, drive Ferrari to it, drink blood to it, take drugs to it, you should be able to rely on it...Deathstars should be your companion on the darkside of playland. Think of it as a helping left hand, guiding you through Winter's Europe in the dead of the night.

You obviously have talents for writing super melodic almost poppy anthems has the temptation ever been to the pop route like Marilyn Manson?

Don't listen to Manson, so I don't know how he has developed or how his career look like. As I said, we don't make any guidelines for how our upcoming material should sound like. It's an adventure for us every time we start writing. It's like - you know - you meet Angelina Jolie and you know your going to have sex with her. Angelina Jolie represents our musical expression, the sex represents the finished album. Every time you meet her and flirt with her you get a bigger and bigger clue of how she will be in bed. The times you meet her being the recording sessions in the studio. When the album is finished, then I have sex with Angelina all over the place, and it feels good. She's really good in bed by the way, but on the next album I'll focus on having sex with Beyonce, Asia Argento and Kylie Minogue in the end. We have high demands. We know how we want it. Hard and heavy, with sporty female bodies. That's how I think of development.

Your first album was a bit of an eye opener for a lot if people. How was it making the follow up?

It was a destructive process, but also uplifting. We've been through so much the last five years so it's almost like burying an era with the release of Termination Bliss. It's interesting that people are so interested in magnificent darkness, fire and shiny bullets. That gives me hope for the future. And yeah, it was interesting writing the album. We took a lot if medication and slept with some foreign celebrities.

What about the production, moreover there is a really good mixing...It was produced by Nightmare Industries in Black Syndicate Studios and mixed by Stefan Glaumann who has worked with some real legends like Rammstein and Clawfinger.

Yeah, we have our own studio - Black Syndicate. It offers a lot of freedom. We can go there whenever we want to, and Nightmare is a great producer. Right now Dissection's in the studio. Their upcoming album is also produced by Nightmare. It's an excellent album.

Termination Bliss is an awesome album and it seems to have been received really well, what have you thought of the reactions?

The reactions are great. Since we isolate ourselves when we record, and we don't have a clue of what's going on in the "scene", it's very interesting to see the response. I think it's a brilliant album. Maybe people will start to understand what we're about, it's a complex band. We combine our deepest feelings, aggression with a cynical self- distance. That's very controversial ina scene which is by fat the most conservertive in the world - metal. It's ironic, don't you think - the genre that preaches that you should break free from all boundaries, limitations and preached words is itself the most dictating genre and condemns every from of originality or alternative thinking within the music. I've been a part of the metal scene in my life, and I laugh when I think about it.

What's next for the Deathstars? A tour? Are you going to be coming over to see us in the UK?

Yes, we will definitely come there. We're in discussions about the tours and festivals. Nothing is yet settled so I can't confirm anything, but we will be there.

Finally guys Thanks for the interview, any shouts you would like to give?

Shout it out loud! KISS rules. Now I'm going out in the Stockholm death night to drink a lot with my friend Happy Tom from Turbonegro. He's one hell of a sexy guy. Take care.

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